Friday, November 20, 2009


i am curious
why my friends can write so well in their blog..

i am curious
why there are love in this world...

i am curious
why there are friendships in our live...

i am curious
why there are "double-face" people among ourselves....

i am curious
why we must hate someone...

i am curious
why the reality is so cruel compared to dream...

i am curious
why there are someone who will betray their friends,lovers or even family..

i am still curious..
why when they said "friendship forever" but they dint realize that there is an "end" word there?
why when they said the word "believe" but dint realize that there is a word "lie" there?
these is the problems...
they dint even know all this word are "live" in our lives..
including me...


Jayshee said...

i aso curious about many thing~

Fongnian said...

haha~u curious wat lea?